1. Tell us a little about your career trajectory since you graduated from UT.
Since graduating in 2011, I have had the opportunity to work on a numerous & diverse range of residential and commercial projects around East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. I worked & lived in Bristol, TN until 2017 when my family and I moved back to the Knoxville area. Along the way, new learning opportunities have always become something that I have capitalized on, and help contribute to my ever growing toolset.
Since graduating in 2011, I have had the opportunity to work on a numerous & diverse range of residential and commercial projects around East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. I worked & lived in Bristol, TN until 2017 when my family and I moved back to the Knoxville area. Along the way, new learning opportunities have always become something that I have capitalized on, and help contribute to my ever growing toolset.
2. Tell us a bit about your current firm and projects or type of work you are doing.
I am currently self-employed at Chandler Design and Planning, LLC in Knoxville, TN. My firm has a large focus on residential design, which includes master planning, planting & hardscape design, lighting, grading and drainage, and sustainable building practices. As a Landscape Architect, I am continually collaborating with other professionals and builders in the industry to help deliver a quality and unique end product. I am always exploring solutions that will help improve the balance between the built and natural environment. Creating and maintaining healthy landscapes has become an ongoing passion of mine since I was young, and I am fortunate to have some projects that allow me to get creative and design with habitat & biodiversity in mind. I typically manage a few residential projects per year, which allows me to get out in the field and collaborate with installers and gain knowledge on both ends. Seeing how the pieces and parts align to make a successful project is a very important aspect of growing one’s knowledge base and ability to be diverse in the profession.
I am currently self-employed at Chandler Design and Planning, LLC in Knoxville, TN. My firm has a large focus on residential design, which includes master planning, planting & hardscape design, lighting, grading and drainage, and sustainable building practices. As a Landscape Architect, I am continually collaborating with other professionals and builders in the industry to help deliver a quality and unique end product. I am always exploring solutions that will help improve the balance between the built and natural environment. Creating and maintaining healthy landscapes has become an ongoing passion of mine since I was young, and I am fortunate to have some projects that allow me to get creative and design with habitat & biodiversity in mind. I typically manage a few residential projects per year, which allows me to get out in the field and collaborate with installers and gain knowledge on both ends. Seeing how the pieces and parts align to make a successful project is a very important aspect of growing one’s knowledge base and ability to be diverse in the profession.
3. Are you licensed? If yes, when did you get licensed and do you have anything to say about that process?
I have been licensed in Tennessee since October of 2015. In preparation for the exam, I did take some prep classes, which were extremely helpful. Balancing this process with work and life can be difficult sometimes. Set a consistent study schedule and be a good time manager. Managing your time as you take on more responsibilities and grow in your career is really important, but don’t forget to make time for yourself along the way!
I have been licensed in Tennessee since October of 2015. In preparation for the exam, I did take some prep classes, which were extremely helpful. Balancing this process with work and life can be difficult sometimes. Set a consistent study schedule and be a good time manager. Managing your time as you take on more responsibilities and grow in your career is really important, but don’t forget to make time for yourself along the way!
4. Do you have any advice for future landscape architecture students?
The field of Landscape Architecture is very broad. This allows one to specialize in a number of niches. Find a niche that drives your passion and most importantly gives you happiness! Always be open to learning new things that broaden your knowledge base in your field and life. Having a diverse skill set makes life more enjoyable, whether it’s using your hands to build/fix something or envisioning a solution in your mind.
5. What drew you to landscape architecture?
I had a profound interest in Botany and Plant Science in my undergraduate program at UT. This was an extension of my passion for the outdoors and being immersed in projects and ideas that relate to conserving it.
6. Are there designers or firms that you follow consistently? What is it about their work that you are attracted to?
I appreciate the work of Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects. I have seen Thomas Woltz speak on a few occasions, and he always grabs your attention. They are a very diverse firm and go into great detail on projects to discover creative and unique design solutions.
The field of Landscape Architecture is very broad. This allows one to specialize in a number of niches. Find a niche that drives your passion and most importantly gives you happiness! Always be open to learning new things that broaden your knowledge base in your field and life. Having a diverse skill set makes life more enjoyable, whether it’s using your hands to build/fix something or envisioning a solution in your mind.
5. What drew you to landscape architecture?
I had a profound interest in Botany and Plant Science in my undergraduate program at UT. This was an extension of my passion for the outdoors and being immersed in projects and ideas that relate to conserving it.
6. Are there designers or firms that you follow consistently? What is it about their work that you are attracted to?
I appreciate the work of Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects. I have seen Thomas Woltz speak on a few occasions, and he always grabs your attention. They are a very diverse firm and go into great detail on projects to discover creative and unique design solutions.
7. Who is one of your heroes/role models? What is it you admire in them?
Aldo Leopold is one, and his interpretation of the relationship between people and nature. Using the land is one thing, but giving back to it in a positive way is another.
Aldo Leopold is one, and his interpretation of the relationship between people and nature. Using the land is one thing, but giving back to it in a positive way is another.
8. How would you summarize what you do?
I envision and help create spaces that complement the built environment, while striving to maintain a high level of integrity among the surrounding natural ecosystem.
I envision and help create spaces that complement the built environment, while striving to maintain a high level of integrity among the surrounding natural ecosystem.