Course Description: This course surveys the evolving socio-ecological conditions resulting from urbanization, climate dynamics, evolving economies and technological innovation. Landscape architects around the world increasingly engage these complexities in the built environment to create new possibilities for the economic, social, and environmental performance of landscapes in public, private, and infrastructural territories. Students will use contemporary projects as a basis for understanding multi-scalar design approaches, technical details, and maintenance regimes. Emphasis will be placed on built landscapes and living systems as integral parts of more dynamic, resilient, and sustainable approaches to landscape design, implementation, and management across scales from the site to the watershed.

Exercises 1-5 : Ecological Design for Urban Watersheds
Through rigorous analyses and syntheses of theories and methods in ecological design, the semester’s exercises asked students to question the role of urban streams as complex ecological agents within the city of Knoxville, Tennessee. Exercises were structured as a series of cumulative integrations: 1. toxicology and remediation; 2. landscape ecologies; 3. hydrological design for dynamic ecologies; 4. enhancement of ecological communities & structures; 5. propagation of ecosystems and their management within hydrological corridors

Elijah Hale, Fall 2023

Emily Sue Laird, Fall 2023

John Hamilton, Fall 2023

Dustin Del Moro, Fall 2023

Cole Thornton, Fall 2023

Ashlea Bills, Fall 2023

project by Josie Tunnell, Spring 2022

Evy Vandivort, Spring 2022
Mia Roark, Spring 2022

Aubrey Bader, Spring 2021

project by Abbey Stubblefield, Spring 2021

project by Stormie Tibbs, Spring 2021

project by Caleb Brackney, Spring 2020

project by Christina Conrad, Spring 2020

project by Gerald Gorham, Spring 2020