What was your undergraduate degree and how did it influence your decision to pursue a MLA?
My undergraduate degree was in art history. During my sophomore year of college, I took an art history class called “Earth Art” which was essentially a survey of all garden design history that culminated with the Earth Art movement of the 60s and 70s. It was not until after college that I discovered landscape architecture as a field, but this class laid the groundwork for my interest in landscape design and history.
Are you a part of any student groups or organizations?
I currently serve as vice president of the American Society of Landscape Architects chapter at UTK. We organize several events throughout the year, including attending the annual ASLA conference.
Why did you choose the School of Landscape Architecture at UTK?
I chose the MLA program at UTK because of its rigorous curriculum, strong faculty, myriad technological resources, and a personal interest in studying landscape in my home state.
Did you have an internship or externship experience? What did you learn from it?
Last summer, I interned at Agency Landscape + Planning in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Working for Agency was a fantastic experience in learning more about planning and community engagement as processes. Agency works to incorporate community engagement as a core part of their design process, and I was able to dive right into the project I was working on for them in Chattanooga.
What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was Let Me Tell You What I Mean by Joan Didion.
What’s your favorite built landscape?
Maya Lin’s Vietnam Memorial is a classic and formative favorite of mine. I visited it when I was quite young, and it has had a lasting impression on me as an example of what great landscape architecture can be in its simple but striking design