Nora is a 3 year MLA student in her final year of the program. 
1.    What was your undergraduate experience and how did it influence your decision to pursue a MLA?
My undergraduate degree was in Geography and Environmental Resources, which was essentially the study of the spatial relationships between humans and nature. While I really enjoyed the research, I wanted to do something more creative with this information. 
2.    What activities do you pursue outside the school?
Regularly reading fiction to put myself into a new or imaginary world; baking small-batch desserts; in the summer I love a team sports league. 
3.    Did you have an internship or externship experience? What did you learn from it/them?
I did two internships and one externship. I learned quite a bit about all of the work that happens outside of the design to make a project come to life - understanding city budgets for public proposals, knowing local code requirements, and seeing the role of engineers and architects in relation to myself. But I also learned about new creative processes, unfamiliar ecologies, and what I want in a workspace. 
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